Thermal stability MIL-STD-883J-certification(工业认证)-pur热熔胶厂家_pur 热熔胶_高温pur屏幕胶水_热熔封边胶_英联化工股份有限公司
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Thermal stability MIL-STD-883J

AddTime:2022-10-12 Hits:830

The thermal stability test is not only a positive check on the high temperature suitability of the product, but is also an excellent starting point for the use of certain compounds in high temperature applications. Other considerations to keep in mind include continuous as well as maximum service temperature ranges, thermal cycling ramp speeds, and other thermally induced stresses in the application. 

Common non-military applications for some of the compounds passing MIL-STD-883J include downhole petroleum equipment, lasers, satellite systems, electronics, power tools, and various automotive applications. MIL-STD-883J polymer teste involves thermal stability analysis by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Thermal stability was determined by heating the specimen from room temperature to 200 ° C C/min in a nitrogen atmosphere at a 10% ramp rate. The thermal stability of the cured material is determined by the weight loss at 200 ° C. In order for the polymer compound to pass the test, the weight loss must be less than or equal to 1.0% by weight of the cured material prior to exposure to temperature. 

These thermally stable adhesive systems offer many other advantages, particularly over conventional fastening techniques, such as improved load carrying capacity, stress distribution, resistance to cyclic fatigue, protection from chemicals, and light weight. Designers and engineers must pay attention to processing considerations, such as surface preparation and cure schedules, when selecting the right product. When selecting adhesives, sealants, coatings, or potting compounds, it is best to consult ENIENT for advice and select the best process for use.

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We ensure that you have easy access to technical information and resources to identify the right product for your specific application, sector and industry. We offer comprehensive support to let you know more about our innovative rust removal solutions and how they can help you. 

For more information about the product, CONTACT ENIENT CHEM and consult to one of our technical advisors. Browse our product range and download technical datasheets to learn more about the specific performance, compatibility, and application of each descaling scenario.

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