How to remove copper rust, how to remove fine copper rust?-Faq-Manufacturer of Neutral Rust Remover_Quick & Mild Metal Rust Removal Technology _ ENIENT CHEM CO.,LTD
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How to remove copper rust, how to remove fine copper rust?

AddTime:2022-10-11 Hits:830

Copper metal, if it does not do any surface protection treatment, in the natural state is very easy to oxidation and rust, if placed in high temperature or humidity for a long time, the oxidation and rust will be more serious. Oxoxidized copper activity is also low, and ENIENT EC0132 with higher activity is recommended. The PH value of 6.2 to 7.2 is neutral and not corrosive to a variety of metals (including copper, aluminum, magnesium, steel), plastics and rubber. It does not contain oil ingredients, but uses a water-based formula, so the discharge is simple and environmentally friendly.

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