How to remove stainless steel from rust?-Faq-Manufacturer of Neutral Rust Remover_Quick & Mild Metal Rust Removal Technology _ ENIENT CHEM CO.,LTD
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How to remove stainless steel from rust?

AddTime:2022-10-11 Hits:830

The first kind: pickling. Spickling is the traditional use of nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and other strong acids, after a certain proportion of dilution, pickling, but easy to cause acid fog, environmental protection is not standard, and will cause a large degree of corrosion to the metal.

The second kind: neutral water base rust removal. ENIENT's neutral rust remover, which can solve the acid fog and corrosion problems. And the rust removal process is very fast, for the heavy rust only need to soak for a few minutes.

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