How to remove rust quickly without damaging metal rust remover?-News-Manufacturer of Neutral Rust Remover_Quick & Mild Metal Rust Removal Technology _ ENIENT CHEM CO.,LTD
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How to remove rust quickly without damaging metal rust remover?

AddTime:2022-10-11 Hits:830

Steel is a very important material in modern industrial production, but steel has a fatal shortcoming, that is, rust. Every year, the amount of steel scrapped due to serious corrosion is about 25% -30% of the annual output of steel, resulting in huge waste and potential safety hazards. So how to remove the rust safely without damaging the metal? 

 Common rust removal methods are generally divided into physical rust removal and chemical rust removal. 

Physical derusting: 

Physical derusting is generally carried out by directly using tools, or by spraying quartz sand, ore sand or steel grit or steel shot onto the metal surface for grinding and derusting. It is generally applicable to derusting of large metal steel, but has limited effect on derustering of smaller or more complex metal workpieces, and will also damage the metal and the coating on the metal to a certain extent. 

General chemical rust removal method: 

General chemical rust removals are hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid and other strong acids. Soaking method is used to remove rust efficiently, but strong acids are generally accompanied by corrosion, and irreversible damage will be caused in the process of processing some metals and sensitive coatings.

Neutral rust remover rust removal method: 

The neutral rust remover does not contain strong acid weak acid, itself is safe and environmentally friendly, non-corrosive, the reaction process will not emit smoke and irritating gas, and the liquid after the reaction only needs simple treatment to discharge.The disadvantages of neutral rust remover are generally slow reaction and low efficiency.Generally requires soaking operation and a long soaking time (2-24 hours), which cannot meet some of the requirements on the efficiency of rust removal occasions.

In order to meet the requirements of safety, environmental protection and fast efficiency, ENIENT developed EC0132 neutral fast rust remover. The rust remover factor is non-corrosive. Under the premise of ensuring no damage to metal and metal surface coating, it greatly speeds up the speed of rust removal reaction.And rust remover can be used in brushing, soaking and other operation methods, greatly reducing the operation and time cost.

And ENIENT fast neutral rust remover is a high concentration formula, while efficient, but also can be used repeatedly, rust removal weight is 5 times of the general neutral rust remover, and can save a lot of operation and time costs.

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ENIENT ® products are the key to a clean and safe working environment across a wide range of industries. Our innovative and reliable super-safe rust remover delivers uncompromising performance, making rust removal a very simple job. Our rust remover can be easily applied to scenes that need rust removal. It can replace refrigerant and rust removal oil, making rust removal easier and eliminating additional rust removal processes. 

We ensure that you have easy access to technical information and resources to identify the right product for your specific application, sector and industry. We offer comprehensive support to let you know more about our innovative rust removal solutions and how they can help you. 

For more information about the product, CONTACT ENIENT CHEM and consult to one of our technical advisors. Browse our product range and download technical datasheets to learn more about the specific performance, compatibility, and application of each descaling scenario.

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